SynthBase Class¶
Synth Abstract Base Class
(sample_rate=44100, buffer_size=512, midi_note=48, midi_velocity=127, note_length_secs=1.0, render_length_secs=2.0, overridden_params=None, clamp_params=True)¶ - Parameters
sample_rate (int, optional) – sampling rate for rendering audio, defaults to 44100
buffer_size (int, optional) – buffer size for rendering audio, defaults to 512
midi_note (int, optional) – midi note number used for rendering, 0-127, defaults to 40
midi_velocity (int, optional) – midi velocity used for rendering. 0-127, defaults to 127
note_length_secs (float, optional) – length of midi note in seconds, defaults to 1.0
render_length_secs (float, optional) – length that audio is rendered for in total, defaults to 2.5
overridden_params (list, optional) – a list of tuples containing the parameter index to override and the value to lock that parameter to, defaults to []
clamp_params (bool, optional) – If true, parameter values will be forced to the acceptable range of values. Defaults to True.
- Variables
rendered_patch (boolean) – indicates whether a patch has been rendered yet, defaults to False
parameters (dict) – parameter indices and names
patch (list) – current patch values
param_range (tuple) – Range of acceptable parameter values, defaults to (0.0, 1.0)
(parameters)¶ Set a new patch with updated parameter values with a list of flaots or a list of tuples referring to parameter indices and values.
- Parameters
parameters (list) – A list of floats or tuples. If passing in a list of numbers, the length must be either the number of non-overridden parameters of the number of total parameters for this synth. Parameter values will then be mapped to corresponding parameter in order. If a list of tuples is provided, the tuples must have the shape (int, float) where the int is the parameter number and the float is the parameter value.
()¶ Must be overridden. Load current patch into synth engine
()¶ Must be overridden. Should render audio for the currently loaded patch
()¶ This method must be overridden and should return an audio buffer rendered during the last call to render_patch.
- Returns
An audio buffer of float audio samples with a value between -1 & 1
- Return type
()¶ This method must be overridden and should have the effect of randomizing parameters of the synthesizer. Overridden methods should be uneffected by this randomization
()¶ Returns audio from a new random patch
- Returns
An audio buffer
- Return type
()¶ Returns parameters for the synth
- Returns
A dictionary of parameters with the parameter index (int) as the key and the parameter name short description as the value
- Return type
(skip_overridden=True)¶ Get current patch
- Parameters
skip_overridden (bool, optional) – Indicates whether to remove overridden parameters from results, defaults to True
(parameters)¶ Override parameters with specific values
- Parameters
parameters – List of parameter tuples with parameter index and parameter value that will be patched and then the parameter frozen.
(path)¶ Save parameters and current state to a JSON file. Includes whether or not a parameter has been overridden so this can be used to save synth configuration
- Parameters
path (str) – Location to save JSON file to
(path)¶ Load parameter state from JSON file. Will set a new patch and overridden parameters.
- Parameters
path (str) – Location to load JSON file from
(path)¶ Loads and extracts patch setting and overridden parameters from a saved synth JSON file
- Parameters
path (str) – location to load JSON file from
- Returns
patch list and overridden parameter list
- Return type
list, list
(patch, param_indices, overridden)¶ Convert an ordered list of parameter values into a list of tuples containing the parameter indices linked to the parameter values. Does so by comparing the overridden parameters to the full list of paramater indices and using the differences to label the patch values.
- Parameters
patch (list) – An ordered list of parameter values
param_indices (list) – A full list of all parameter indices
overridden (list of tuples) – A list of tuples which contain the parameter indices and values of the overridden parameters
- Returns
a list of tuples representing a full patch setting
- Return type