Contribution Guide ================== General ------- Contributions to *SpiegeLib* are welcome and encouraged. See the following instructions to get setup for development. Requirements ------------ .. code-block:: # Python Version python >= 3.6 # Python Packages numpy >= 1.18.0 matplotlib >= 3.2.0 librosa >= 0.7.2 tensorflow >= 2.1.0 deap >= 1.3.1 tqdm >= 4.43.0 librenderman # Dev Requirements sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme ipython pytest pytest-datadir pytest-mpl tox twine Installation ------------ 1) Anaconda development environment We recommend developing from an Anaconda environment. Create a new conda environment:: $ conda create --name spiegelib_dev python=3.7 numpy matplotlib ... $ conda activate spiegelib_dev 2) Fork the `spiegelib repo `_ and clone your forked repository 3) Install SpiegeLib in development mode with additional dev requirements to ``conda`` environment:: $ cd spiegelib $ pip install -e .[dev] If you're using zsh on Mac then you may need to use this command: $ pip install -e ".[dev]" 4) Install `RenderMan `_ in conda environment. See instructions :ref:`here` 5) Create a new branch and develop! Submit a pull request when you are ready to add changes. Tests ----- Unit tests are written using `pytest `_ and can be run with the following command when in the project root:: $ python -m pytest Testing coverage is available with `pytest-cov `_:: # To run with coverage reporting $ python -m pytest --cov=./src # And coverage report with missing lines $ python -m pytest --cov=./src --cov-report=term-missing Documentation ------------- This documentation is all written in restructured text (RST) with `sphinx-doc `_. Documentation is all written in the gh-pages branch in docs directory:: spiegelib/docs/source To build documentation:: # First make sure you are in the root docs directory $ cd docs # Then run $ make html # To copy the built documentation to the project root $ ./ # Documentation can be viewed locally $ open ../index.html When developing, please add class documentation using `Google docstrings `_. To update and write documentation make sure the gh-pages branch is up-to-date with your development branch as documentation from comments in python files in the source code is used to automatically generate reference documentation. Make changes and additions to the documentation source rst files. Then build using the process listed above.